Week World Planet Jam CKAN

30 worlds. 10 modders. Built in one week.

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.12.3

Downloads: 1,947

Author: GregroxMun

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 9

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.


A collaboration between ten contributors to create a Kerbal Space Program planet mod within the span of one week.

On 2022 August 14, at the behest of @techo, ten planet builders on the Gregrox Mods discord server came together to build a solar system together within one week, in an event called the Week World Planet Jam. We present the results of this collaboration here. The Sauwel system contains 9 planetary systems comprising 30 celestial bodies. Aside from a few initial conditions, each contributor created their planet blind, with no spoilers or hints about the other contributors' work. The system is therefore an interesting mix of different styles of planet design, resulting in a system where every planet is something of a unique oddball.

Mod dependencies:


  • Luna Gregoria (GregroxMun) - The central star Sauwel, layout of system orbits and masses, Scatterer sun lens flare, cloud map for planet d, project lead.
  • WarriorSabe - Planet b (2 objects), Scatterer sun lens flare.
  • Wolf Rayet (Exo's Lab) - Planet c (8 objects), cloud map for planet d, project lead.
  • Adstri - Planet d (1 object), polar ice caps on planet e.
  • Techo - Planet e (3 objects), project lead.
  • Marshall (Myth) - Planet f (3 objects).
  • Caps Lock - Planet g (3 objects).
  • Tholin - Planet h (6 objects).
  • CIOCIA (Cloverdove) - Planet i (1 object).
  • Jo (JoQueebious) - Planet j (2 objects).

System layout:

The Sauwel planetary system contains a total of 30 objects, including one star and three gas giants, split up into nine orbits. Result is a system of similar complexity to the real-world Solar System, but with a unique layout and some strange and interesting planets.

Screenshot of the layout of the inner system:

Screenshot of the layout of the outer system:


  • Sauwel b Elaan
    • Sauwel b I Askilos
  • Sauwel c Reticulum
    • Sauwel c I Ribo
    • Sauwel c II Golgi
    • Sauwel c III Lyso
    • Sauwel c IV Cytosel
  • Sauwel ct Asite Par (trailing Reticulum Trojan)
  • Sauwel cg Yroptos (leading Reticulum Trojan/Greek)
    • Sauwel cg I Exular
  • Sauwel d Windswept
  • Sauwel e Caen
    • Sauwel e I Ovoidun
    • Sauwel e II Menea
  • Sauwel f Avu
    • Sauwel f I Ein
    • Sauwel f II Aire
  • Sauwel g Diredul
    • Sauwel g I Mindo
    • Sauwel g II Awoy
  • Sauwel h Ildebra
    • Sauwel h I Noir
    • Sauwel h II Kalt
    • Sauwel h III Tris
    • Sauwel h IV Nik
    • Sauwel h V Nak
  • Sauwel i Iridel
  • Sauwel j Merune
    • Sauwel j I Erica


Week World Planet Jam

Please provide attribution both to Week World Planet Jam, and to the modder whose work you are using.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

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